ERPNext CRM implementation at Thank U Foods — a review

Safwan Samsudeen
10 min readOct 11, 2022

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I originally wrote this article last October, after a project I worked on at Thank U Foods, a subsidiary of the NGO Indian Association for the Blind. When it was completed, I felt I didn’t emphasize the good bits of Frappe enough. I intended to rewrite it, but with one thing and another, a year’s over and I haven’t modified this.

I’ve published it now so that people can see some of the limitations and unique features of Frappe, but I must warn that this is outdated — for example, one of the bugs (about scrolling down a list in the docs) I’ve listed below has since been fixed. Furthermore, a new version of ERPNext has been released, improving many aspects which I’ve covered in this article.

As the cartoon character says, the performance has improved.

So use this to get an idea of what ERPNext and Frappe is before (or while) jumping in and using it, but take everything you read with a pinch of salt.


This project’s goal was to get Salesforce functionality into ERPNext’s CRM, and after that, adding our custom requirements. We closed this project after five weeks because we felt that it was too big a project, and that, consequently, we couldn’t complete the goal in the required time.



Safwan Samsudeen

Student of life, mediocre programmer trying to get better, book addict, proud overthinker. Another random idiot who thinks he's great.